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About FAI

The Food Addiction Institute forwards recognition of

food addiction as a 

substance use disorder.

FAI is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt US organization.

Help FAI continue to advocate for the widespread acceptance of food addiction as a substance use disorder. Support the availability of effective, abstinence based solutions for food addiction recovery.

Food Addiction is a substance use disorder
family harvesting vegetables

About FAI

The Food Addiction Institute, founded in 2005, is an independent, non-profit
organization whose mission is to support availablility of treatment for food addiction recovery.
To accomplish our mission FAI
works towards the following:

* Supply resources for those who may be food addicted. * Provide public and professional resources about food addiction as a substance use disorder aligned with the DSM-5-TR. * Contribute to expanding knowledge about effective, abstinent based treatment for food addiction recovery. * Create a forum for the development and dissemination of innovative and effective public health strategies related to the prevention, identification and treatment of food addiction. * Offer information about evidence-based treatment that incorporates abstinent approaches for recovery from food addiction. * Expand availability of Certified Food Addiction Professionals to effectively treat food addiction.

child eating apple
seniors sharing meal
freedom from food addiction
recovery from food addiction
Concrete Wall