39 participants (18 randomized to tesamorelin and 21 randomized to placebo) had adequate liver specimens for RNA-Seq and had high-quality, reliable data. These 39 individuals with IGF1 and IGFBP mRNA expression data are included in the cross-sectional analyses. Circulating levels of IGF-1 and, from proteomics analysis, the IGFBPs, were available for 61 individuals (30 placebo and 31 tesamorelin) at baseline and 46 individuals (25 placebo and 21 tesamorelin) at 12 months.
61 men and women 18-70 years old with HIV infection and hepatic steatosis as evidenced by hepatic fat fraction 5% on 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS). Eligibility criteria included stable antiretroviral regimen for 3 months, CD4+ T cell count > 100 cells/mm3, HIV viral load < 400 copies/mL, no excess alcohol use (use < 20 g daily for women or < 30 g daily for men), no active hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cirrhosis or other
known hepatic disease, and no uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, defined byHbA1c ≥7%